Archive for the ‘interview’ Category

Continuing our ‘Steph-fest’ – a great little interview with Steph Davis – she is half Greek! Did you know?

Extreme Greece | Steph Davis – High Places.

Outside TV | Steph Davis – High Places.

We do love Steph Davis and here she is talking about all things climbing with Outside TV.

Jacinda (JC) Hunter: The Full Interview.

Great interview with Jacinda Hunter.  We love these two Q&A from the interview but you should definitely read the whole thing:

Female climbers are constantly raising the bar and continue to challenge the notion that men are stronger than women. In your opinion, what is the biggest obstacle for women when it comes to climbing?
Well I think that men are stronger than women. That doesn’t mean that some women aren’t stronger than some men, or even a lot of men; but the significant physiological differences in our bodies are obvious. I think when a woman comes along and sends a boulder problem, or a route that has been up for a decade or two, and it is the first female ascent, then it’s a historical moment. It shows the evolution of climbing for the female population and is inspiring to myself and many other female climbers I’m sure. It shows that women are continually pushing the limits of the sport. I don’t see anything wrong with defining women’s accomplishments separate from the men’s. I can see why some might feel that grouping men and women in the same category is like telling women that we are just as good, and can be just as good as men. I think that is mostly true, but that still doesn’t mean we should all jumble ourselves together as if there is no difference in our make-up.

What motivates you to climb hard and how do you push yourself mentally in order to succeed?
My background in running trained me to never give up, and push myself to the point of collapse. One thing that I love about climbing is that anyone can feel the same exhilaration of a redpoint no matter what the grade is. I am always wondering how far I could push my self; I guess it’s just something inside.

Read: Jacinda (JC) Hunter: The Full Interview.